sometimes I’m not where my body is 

visual poem
length: 2:21min

“sometimes I’m not where my body is“ is concentrating on the experience of depersonalisation/derealisation in which a person deals with a detachment of themselves regarding their mind or body, or being the detached observer of themselves. Often the observer is aware of the disconnection between their mind and body, and they feel like floating over their own self.
This piece is working with the role of the viewer, are we watching the scenario through one of the displayed bodies, or through an objective eye, or through a disconnected, floating mind?

Lyrically the text consists of several chapters and therefore adds to the theme of disconnection. In the first section the lyrical I is concentrated on themselves and their sense of pain and the urge of overcoming this suffering. The second part opens with “42. Fix My Pussy“ and generally can be described as a rough and vulgar appeal to an undefined target. It repeats the phrase of “I’m not going to jail“ three times and emphasises the disobedient character. The final part describes a creature without portraying too many physical features.

The poem was generated through a text based A.I. that is trained on a Sci-Fi novel, a scientific text about sexuality, a novel and various music lyrics, which emerges into a stylistically incoherent way of writing. The A.I. was used in a group project of artists that were completely unfamiliar with each other and focused on the topic of inspirations and originality. 



