
interdisciplinary video


length: 2:16min

"saliva" is an interdisciplinary video that is part of Kris Vango's online exhibition "Physical Intimacy", which focuses on the impact of the 2020s pandemic on artists' sexual desires and intimacies. Kris has produced an album with titles named after bodily fluids such as blood, sweat, semen, etc. Various artists came together for the exhibition to work on one song each.
This video shows a variety of 3D animated graphics, as well as footage of itchi and organic objects.


“Physical Intimacy is a live evolving organic digital exhibition documenting artistic creative collaborations in global pandemic lockdowns. The exhibition features a network of interconnected global artists reflecting the multinational, multicultural, multigender and multidimensional digital communities that are facilitated by technological interconnectivity. This original group of artists connected by Berlin, Germany, reflects an extended community of radical creatives from across the globe in various forms of collaboration.  

All works have been produced by artists as an expression of their own experience of Physical Intimacy during the pandemic that disrupted 2020. Many of them find themselves in liminal spaces of society, unable to find places to facilitate artistic expression; the closure of clubs and music industries, drag shows, art galleries, tattoo parlours and art courses. Through art and technology, we establish metaphysical intimacy. Released on Christmas Day 2020, when many people are away from family, lockdown or in quarantines.

The exhibition’s artists hope to facilitate an alchemic sense of closeness in a time of forced separation. The message is simple, we utilise art and creative expression for seeking out collaboration and recognising that power is not only hierarchical, but lateral. Our communities - physical or digital - enable us immense power for economy, productivity, creativity and positivity. All artists involved are open for collaborations, and future collaborative works will populate the exhibition until the next evolution of this project. We want to keep the maximum works to 30 per evolution, so some submissions may need to wait until the next evolution.„



sometimes I'm not where my body is


Never Look Back